The back cover has the same colour themes of the front, and made to look like the side of a wooden crate, but there are no other images. The track list is made to look as though it is a packing information sticker so that the complete album cover looks as though it is a wooden box with a man inside it. The
text used correlates with the packaging theme, making the cover much more realistic to the theme.
The simplistic design of the cover is effective through the consistency of the theme over the front and back and it's humour. It appeals to the market of the band and their image as they use lots of gross and sexual imagery within their music. They are not a serious band and their fans would appreciate the
humour of the album cover. Without listening to the music, someone that sees the album cover will recognise the content of the music, and I think that this is an effective decision of behalf of the designers as it means that people won't buy the album unaware of the content and get offended by the lyrics.The front of the album draws in a potential audience of people interested in humorous, rude music, whilst the back further reiterates the type of music it is through the titles of the tracks. Songs with names such as "Farting With A Walkman On" indicate the humour of the album and again will stop people from
buying the music unaware of the content. The album is upfront and direct which I think is important with the tracks that are on it to avoid offence.
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